image credits
Pocket Knife image by Mazura/Dreamstime
Computer photo illustration by Janet Edens
Roses photo by Janet Edens
Mt. Ranier and Mt. Hood (Oregon) photo by Janet Edens
One Red Pen image by Chas Loncki/Dreamstime
TCI Magazine cover design by Janet Edens; Photo of Yuri Zoon by Quincy Dein
CHS Uptown Bikes and CHS logos by Dan Conover
Xark TV, Write and GuerrillaMuse logos by Janet Edens
Earth from space by NASA
Design & data digital illustration by Janet Edens
Writing dictionary photo illustration Janet Edens
TCI Magazine Dreamboat page design by Janet Edens; photo by Leon Clemons
Soccer photo by Dan Conover
Map illustrations (Providenciales, Turks & Caicos) by Dan Conover
Cartoons by Dan Conover
Life enthusiasts photos Middle Caicos ( Turks & Caicos Islands) and Bike on the Ashley River (Charleston, S.C.) by Janet Edens
Mount Hood (Oregon) photo by Dan Conover.
Web design by Janet Edens
Nova Word Press Theme by Elegant Themes
We’d like to offer a special note of appreciation and respect to all those who share brushes, shapes, textures, photographs, fonts, illustrations and other works of creativity online under such licenses at Creative Commons in the spirit of collaboration and artistic inspiration.